
Refractive Lens Exchange

See Clearly Now and for Years to Come

Vision correction for those diagnosed with Presbyopia.

If you are over the age of 40, have been diagnosed with presbyopia or have high hyperopia (farsightedness), a Refractive Lens Exchange may be the best vision correction procedure for you. Many people with presbyopia who are interested in vision correction procedures like LASIK, PRK or ICL are surprised to learn that they will still need reading glasses after their procedure. With Refractive Lens Exchange, you can achieve clear vision, eliminate your dependence on readers and glasses, and preclude future cataract surgery.

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What is Refractive Lens Exchange?

Refractive Lens Exchange is a vision correction procedure that treats presbyopia, a common age-related vision disorder that occurs in our early- to mid- 40’s and affects our up-close vision, and high hyperopia (severe farsightedness). As we age, the flexibility of our eye’s natural lens gradually dissipates, making it difficult to focus on near objects. If you have been diagnosed with presbyopia but desire freedom from glasses or contacts, Refractive Lens Exchange may be your best option for vision correction.

Refractive Lens Exchange (also referred to as a Refractive Lensectomy) is an elective vision correction procedure that is similar to traditional cataract surgery in many ways. Like cataract surgery, your surgeon will remove your eye’s natural lens. During your Refractive Lens Exchange procedure, your natural lens is replaced with an artificial multifocal lens that will allow you to see clearly at all distances and eliminate the development of cataracts in the future. Refractive Lens Exchange is not covered by insurance.



All-Laser, Blade-Free Technology

One of the most notable advancements in vision correction is the development of all-laser, blade-free technology. All-laser, blade-free vision correction provides a fast, safe, and precise way to improve your vision. Similar to bladeless cataract surgery, blade-free Refractive Lens Exchange allows our surgeons to perform an exact, individualized procedure customized to your specific vision needs.

As a forward-thinking practice, we are dedicated to staying abreast of technological advancements in the medical industry that can benefit our patients. In 2012, we became one of the first practices to utilize the most advanced form of vision correction, the femtosecond laser. Instead of using blades to make incisions in your eye, your surgeon will use lasers to create smaller, more precise incisions.

All-laser, blade-free Refractive Lens Exchange is performed individually on each eye, approximately a week apart. If you have astigmatism, this will be corrected using the femtosecond laser during the procedure.


In general, all-laser, blade-free Refractive Lens Exchange is performed in two steps:

  1. Your surgeon will use a laser to make tiny incisions on your cornea. Once these incisions have been made, your surgeon will use a tiny vacuum probe to remove your eye’s existing lens.
  2. Once your eye’s natural lens has been removed, the artificial lens will be implanted into the eye. It will stay in your eye permanently.


Our team of board-certified, highly trained Refractive Lens Exchange surgeons includes Dr. Kathleen C. Leone, Dr. Matej Polomsky, Dr. Christopher Covington, and Dr. Clark Springs. For more than 20 years, we have helped patients eliminate their need for glasses or contacts. We will work with you to determine the best vision correction procedure for you!



Is Refractive Lens Exchange Right For Me?

Refractive Lens Exchange can be an ideal vision correction procedure for people who have been diagnosed with presbyopia. Careful consideration will be made to determine if you are a good candidate for Refractive Lens Exchange. First, you will need to come into our office for a comprehensive consultation. During this comprehensive consultation—which takes approximately 2 hours—we will conduct a dilated eye exam and perform several diagnostic tests to evaluate the health of your eyes, document your refractive error, and map your unique eye characteristics. You will also meet with one of our experienced Refractive Lens Exchange surgeons to discuss your vision goals and develop a personalized vision correction treatment plan specific to your needs.

While many factors are considered to determine true candidacy for Refractive Lens Exchange—age, prescription strength, and ocular history being a few—there are some questions that can generally help you determine your potential candidacy.

  • Are you at least 40 years or older?
  • Are you generally in good health?
  • Do you have a stable prescription for at least one year?
  • Have you been told by your optometrist that you’re free of cataracts?

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